Wednesday, April 20, 2011

New Session, New Classes, and More!

Greetings students and dancers!
We will be hosting our quarterly (or supposed to be quarterly, cough, choke) souk on Saturday April 29th here at the studio from 3 to 6pm! Come browse the various new and gently used wares including practice wear, costuming, fabric, props, and all kinds of things!

Also, we are beginning our newest session May 1st! We will be welcoming new students and a new instructor! Director of Koreshkati Tribal Fusion, Nicole Richardson will be joining our ranks teaching Tribal Fusion Mondays at 7pm! We have a special offer for current students - sign up for a month of Tribal Fusion in addition to your current class and save an extra five dollars off the bundle price! That's $70.00 for two courses (8 classes per month)!

We are adding a couple more ways to earn Bellybucks to our rewards program! Students who pay for a session and do not miss a class will receive five dollars off their next session! And students who attend an approved company performance or community event will receive a discount off their next month or session, depending on the ticket price of the event.

And last but not least, a reminder of a few policies we're javing trouble with
Please respect our neighbors and make sure to park on our side of the street in front of our house! If there is not space on the street, feel free to park behind the black car in the driveway. And also please be sure to remove your shoes at the door and place them in the coat closet. It makes a huge difference in keeping the floor clean for each class!

Thank you all, and we will see you in class! :)

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