Wednesday, November 9, 2011

November News!

Hello students!
Major changes are happening here at Mystik Dream! First, we are pleased to announce that you can now create an account to register for new classes, sign up for a drop in, workshop or private lesson, mark yourself as absent, check your balance, and more! We can also process credit cards online, over the phone and in person! Check it out here!
If you sign up and the system tells you you're already entered and you still need to set your password, just click "I forgot my password" and provide your email and enter your new password.
As a super special deal for our sutdents, next month (December) if you bring in one paying student we'll give you half off your next month! Bring two, and you'll get a whole month for the f word - FREE! :p
So everyone here is excited about La Danse Orientale Compeition in Tacoma! We're signed up, collecting registration fees and getting ready! We're even opening a new class to work on solo composition. This specific class is designed to create your own choreography from start to finish, covering musical selections, structure, mapping and interpretation, different choreographic processes, notation and other tools, performance skills, presentation and more.
We have quite a collection of people attending - the professional company is competing in the troupe category, Savannah Demers and Khamara are competing in the alternative category, Natale and Abagaia are competing in the novice category, Nicole Richardson in the props category, Parizadah in the Rising Star cateogry, and myself in the Miss La Danse Orientale category. We need to rent a van! I know we're all excited to represent Mystik Dream, to do our best, receive some feedback and have fun!

Now I'm off to get some more work done, and we'll see what news the next update brings!

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